Cuban Reel Fishing Yo Yo: The FishWOW!

Cuban Reel Fishing Yo-Yo from MTM Scientific, Inc.

Fish Now with FishWOW!

  Cuban Reels: Your Portable Fishing Companion.  

The FishWOW! Cuban Reel is your secret fishing rig that stores compactly until you see that perfect opportunity. Now you can be quickly fishing anywhere and anytime you see a great spot.  Simply unwind the line, bait the hook and you are ready to go!  Our Cuban Reel is perfect for fishing from piers, bridges, breakwaters, kayaks, docks and boats.  This fully rigged 6 inch diameter reel packs easily in your backpack or luggage for vacations, cruises, weekend getaways, backpacking, hiking and camping. The FishWOW Cuban Reel is sturdy enough to land any fish you hook with robust 100# test line, which is easy on the hands, and especially useful for saltwater fishing.  We call it the FishWOW!  but you may know it as a Cuban Reel, Rigged Hand Caster or Yo Yo Reel... but by any name this rig has hauled in the big ones around the globe.  Accept no substitutes! Free shipping in the USA, and only $1.00 additional for Worldwide shipping. Dealer inquiries are welcome... be sure to ask about our 'Club Pak'. Proudly made in the USA.

FishWOW!TM Only $19.95 each, with free USA shipping

We speak their language: Fish, Pisces, Pescado, Pesce, Poison, Fisch, Sakana...



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MTM Scientific, Inc.  Dept: FishWOW! Postal Box 522, Clinton, Michigan 49236 USA

MORE INFORMATION: Cuban Reel Fishing:

It's difficult to find more information about Cuban Reel Fishing on the internet. Here we link to a few sites with useful information.

Here is a link to a great video about Cuban Reel Fishing on YouTube:

Long Key - Bridge Fishing -The Use of Cuban Reel

Here is a link to an interesting fishing video using a wooden homemade Cuban Reel.

MVM Fishing Yoyos - Cuban Style

Here is a photo of an interesting old line drawing of handline fishing in action:

Hand Line Fishing

Our FishWOW! Story:

The FishWOW! brand of the Cuban Reel Yo Yo was developed by MTM Scientific, Inc after study and research in compact and effective ways to fish using inexpensive equipment.  In particular, observation in the Caribbean Islands of the Florida Keys lead us to observe the extensive Cuban population that takes fishing there very seriously.  We observed local Cubans fishing with great success using a novel approach...  In Cuba they call this hand reel approach a 'Cuban Reel' , 'Yo-Yo', or 'Cuban Fin Nor' and it is the essence of simplicity, effectiveness and compactness.

We'll never forget watching a line of well-equipped anglers trying their luck along the 7 Mile Bridge near Marathon, Florida USA without success...  Then a savvy young man arrived and setup using a simple Cuban Hand Reel such as this.  In short order he had hooked and landed a stunningly beautiful Pompano!

Why is the FishWOW better?  We started by studying and evaluating all the information we could find about this kind of fishing gear. We continued our investigation with field tests to evaluate crimp strengths, line size, rigging and other design parameters. We found that some cheap Cuban Reels were so poorly made that the end of the fishing line wasn't even attached to the spool! Also, that some Yo Yo Reels were loaded with light weight fishing line to save money... definitely NOT what you want when working with your bare hands!  

The FishWOW! is simply the best, compact, low-cost fishing Cuban Hand Reel on the market today.  Every serious fisherman should have a FishWOW! ready to go.  We all know the feeling of seeing that perfect spot and thinking "If only I had my fishing tackle". Well, now you can... Fish Now with FishWOW! Proudly made in the USA.

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