MTM Scientific, Inc... AM Radio Loop Antenna
Plans are now available for electronic download in PDF format for free!
Photos and Reviews from Customers
Our AM RADIO DX LOOP ANTENNA converts your portable transistor radio into a long distance receiver, capable of pulling in distant AM radio stations. Works with any portable radio, without complicated connections. Simply position your radio near the antenna (as shown) and tune. Also improves local station reception. No batteries or power supply are needed, great for camping and remote locations. Small enough to use on the kitchen table! Daily AM listeners appreciate improved reception of News, Sports and Talk. Especially fun at night, when the AM Powerhouse Stations are in play and reception distances soar. Great introduction to DXing... the hobby of listening for distant radio stations. Very simple to use, complete instructions included. This attractive unit uses solid copper wire around a beautiful oak frame with a brass dial plate and large tuning knob. Please Note! We pay for the shipping via Priority Mail in the USA. We have received several inquiries about connecting this antenna to a component receiver... Here's How: Pickup Loop
Specifications: Tuning Range 550KHz-1700KHz, Size 18"x18"x8", Weight 2 lbs.
Sorry: The Finished Antenna is not available at this time. However, See kit below.
Our AM RADIO DX LOOP ANTENNA KIT allows you to build the AMDX-1000 loop antenna. This kit includes red oak lumber, copper magnet wire, air variable capacitor, brass faceplate, black phenolic knob, stainless steel hardware, instructions, and a large sheet of plans. The plans are full size and can be used as a template for the drilling and cutting of the wood. The air variable capacitor is manufactured to our specifications to include tapped mounting holes and an extra-long brass tuning shaft. This kit requires basic woodworking skills. Perfect project for out in the garage, ham shack or basement. We could have cheaped-out on several aspects of this kit, but did not. Parts proudly sourced in the USA. Be sure to check out some of our customer's projects. This kit ships in the USA by Priority Mail. Free shipping.
Specifications: Tuning Range 550KHz-1700KHz, Finished Antenna Size 18"x18"x8", Weight 2 lbs.
We have only a limited number of these kits available! Order now.
LOOP ANTENNA (Catalog #LOOP-KIT)...$97.50
Free USA Shipping
We have decided to make the plans for the AM Loop Antenna available for free download in PDF format. We have had many customers build loop antennas using these plans, and we are happy to make them widely available to hobbyists and experimenters. We also offer the Air Variable Capacitor on our website here: Air Variable Capacitor
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LoopAntenna Plans